A playground can be a wonderful resource for a community, school, or campground. It can become a place where children and their parents gather to get some fresh air and exercise. In many communities, the playground serves as a meeting place, a landmark, and a source of great job. However, not all playgrounds are created equal.
In choosing park playground equipment for your community, one of the most important factors to consider is the age of the children who will be using it. Preschoolers, for instance, have quite different playground needs from preteens. Here’s a closer look at age-appropriate playgrounds and some tips for choosing the most age-appropriate choice for your community.

Kids of all ages can enjoy playgrounds, but the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission actually divides play equipment into three brackets, depending on the age groups it’s intended for. There are different guidelines regarding the safety of playground equipment within each bracket.
These three age groups are:
- 6 – 23 months
- 2 – 5 years
- 5 – 12 years
Because the CPSC standards divide play equipment in this way, most playground equipment makers offer three different types of play structures — one for each of these age groups.
Kids tend to have more fun on children’s playground equipment built to suit their age group, but that’s far from the only reason to select age-appropriate equipment.
Age-appropriate equipment is safer for kids to use. A 12-year-old, for example, can safely use monkey bars in school playgrounds. Most 18-month-olds cannot.
Size is another factor. Swings made for the age 2 – 5 bracket will be hard for a 10-year-old to squeeze into.
Sometimes your playground needs are obvious. For instance, if you run a daycare center and wish to build a playground for toddlers and preschoolers, you want equipment for 2 – 5-years.
In communities with multiple age groups, such as housing complexes, churches, campgrounds and parks, you may want to include equipment for various ages in the same playground. Some playground companies make specific structures that offer a few activities for kids in each of the three age ranges. Another approach would be to build three small, separate playgrounds — one for each age range.
Playgrounds are safer, more fun, and more usable for kids when they are built to suit their age-related needs. Make sure you keep the age of the kids you’re serving in mind when selecting playground equipment. Premier Park & Play provides commercial grade playground equipment that are safe and fun for children. If you need help designing a playground for your community, school or daycare center, contact Premier Park & Play at 617-244-3317 or email premierparkplay@verizon.net.